Somehow this garbage made it past’s generally quite effective spam filters. Once. Email addresses and paypal payment information deleted to avoid inadvertently helping this fraud (I forwarded it to Paypal first, of course…).
It’s an amusing, imaginary, tale of woe, combining equal parts bad parenting, bad storytelling, and bad English. And why does a poor father in Chile have an email address at a Russian ISP, anyway?
From Tue Jan 20 15:23:32 2004 Return-Path: <> Received: (qmail 78736 invoked by uid 26688); 20 Jan 2004 23:21:11 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) (envelope-sender <>) by (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP for <>; 20 Jan 2004 23:21:11 -0000 Reply-To: From: Luis Fernandos <> Subject: Very Important. Please read. CIGIEPOHDN Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 01:21:18 +0200
Hello. My name is Luis Fernandos. I am from Chile.
In the beginning of the letter I want to apologize for given inconveniences, but I ask to read up it up to the end if the life of the little girl by name Sura for you is not indifferent.
I shall tell to you about the tragedy which have occurred in my family three months ago.
Sura was born on November, 15, 1998. It was the healthy and cheerful child.She grew up, was pleased lives and, as well as all children, adored sweets.
But suddenly the trouble has fallen upon us.
On the fifth birthday she has eaten many sweets. Nobody could forbid her of it since she was sick and was very sad.
Because of a plenty sweet and illnesses, the children's organism has not sustained. And She was struck with a diabetes.
Good Insulin is very costly. It is too expensive for our poor family. But as health of the daughter is more dear, to have to ask an alms. You certainly the kind and sympathetic person. We hope to the aid everyone who can help. If you can help to us, we shall be very grateful to you and we shall pray for you. _________________________________ Donations can send on account PayPal: e-mail - ______________@_____.___
We shall you are glad to any sum which can to send. Each your cent will be the huge help for us. We are very grateful to you, Suras family.