Dear Hello!Project

Dear Hello!Project Costume Designers,

I’m reading Kanna’s mind here, and she’s thinking, “I’ll kill them later, but y’know, I think I can actually work this outfit.”


J Explains It All

My loathe-hate relationship with the Hello!Project Costume Designers is no secret. They specialize in converting rather pretty girls into walking, dancing, singing, eye-searing fashion disasters. My goal in these little critiques has a long history in Japanese culture: hammer down the nail that sticks out.

Sadly, it doesn’t work. And it can’t, because a while back I figured out their real goal, and there’s nothing I can do to compete with that audience.


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Reading Sayumi‘s mind, I hear: Mommy, please let me come home. I don’t like it here any more. I promise I’ll finish school and clean up after my pets and marry a nice salaryman, just pleasepleaseplease get me out of this contract.


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Reina says, “You can call yourself an artist all you want, shutterbug; the bikini stays on.”


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Koharu says, “I’m only fifteen, so maybe I’m missing something here. Why does the photographer keep leaving the room ‘for some me time’?”


Dear Aya Matsuura,

This is how you enter your new post-H!P career?


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Reina asks, “God, why can’t I get that Duran Duran song out of my head?”


Hello!Project Telepathy Project

Ai says, “OMGWTFBBQ! ROFLMAO! Can you believe this? They forgot to put feathers on my hat!


“Need a clue, take a clue,
 got a clue, leave a clue”