First, I'd like to repeat the following advice, from Zen Faulkes and Eric Suess, regarding choosing a clan to play at GenCon: 1. Play the clan you really love 2. Or..Play the clan you think should win the story (if you think a phoenix should be the Jade Champ, then play Phoenix) 3. Do NOT play a clan simply to win 4. Join the Crab as we march on GenCon! (Technically, I suppose I should change #4, but I'd much rather that the Lion at GenCon are serious about it, and not just fair-weather warriors.) Here are the current 'bounties' on the Storyline tournament at GenCon, in the Jade Champion Tournament: Everyone: --------- A shugenja in your clan rises to the position of Jade Champion. Yakamo's tetsubo as the badge of office of the Jade Champion. (official prize) To the highest-ranked member of each clan, a breastplate bearing the appropriate mon, and in the colors of your clan. (official prize) Whoever gets the highest number of enlightenment victories during the main tournament will receive Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" and Miyamoto Musashi's "The Book of the Rings". For players who play in both qualifying rounds, I will need one number or the other, not both. If there is a tie, all players involved in the tie will receive the prize. From: Brent Keith [offered: an illustrated copy of "The art of war" by Sun Tzu] If the Seven Fortunes are to smile on a player from another Clan, the prize will still be given to the winner if he is willing to put aside his claim and offers the title of Jade Champion to [the Phoenix] Clan (see the Crane offers from some weeks ago). Lastly, if the winner prefers to keep the title for a member of his Clan, I am still willing to offer the prize as the first gift to the Jade Champion whoever it may be, if the winner's deck includes at least one Shugenja Personality and one or more Kiho/Spell. From: Alexandre METZGER I will give a complete set of Emerald Edition Rings signed by Matthew Wilson to the first player to achieve an enlightenment victory during the Jade Champion Tourney. This is regardless of the clan being played. From: I'll change it to a picture of anything related to the clan you win with. This is for all clans except crane. From: Crab: ----- A bokan is a practice sword: hardwood carved in the shape of a katana. I'll give mine to the Crab who wins the Test of the Jade Champion. From: "Zen Faulkes" A "Designer Wins" card will be given to a Crab GenCon winner who uses the Kaiu Stronghold, and who uses no personalities aligned to another clan. (leaving room for a no-personality deck or the use of true Ronin) In case you don't know, "Designer Wins" is the absolute rarest card in the game - according to Ryan Dancey only 29 exist. One of them could be yours. In addition, Zen Faulkes has offered an original Crab Clan T-Shirt (not previously worn by the way). If other noble Crab clan affiliates would like to contribute to this bounty, please contact me at: Play A Crab Rattling Deck(ie lots of rattling followers,Tchickchuk etc) = In The Test of the Jade Champion Tournament and Win and you will recieve = : (like i said it isnt much but oh well) IE Crab Sword EE Crab Armor OE Crab Standard JE Crab Charter JE Yakamo Thunder 1 Set of Hidden Emperor Month 1 1 Set of Hidden Emperor Month 2 And 200 Koku From: "Josh Powell" Crane: ------ I, Doji Chisea, a humble Emerald Magistrate offer the keys to a Kingdom of Magic, a Kindgom of Adventure, The Land of the Discovery, and Land of Dreams, if one of our Crane Brethren obtains the Jade Chapionship for the Clan that has taught the Shugenja of Rokugan for generations, the Pheonix. So that they may return the ways of magic and the mastery of the elements back to our lands. I will give a pair of one-day tickets to all the Walt Disney World Theme Parks. An item only availible to Cast Members. From: (Ken Nabbe) a Hardbound copy of the Book of Five Rings to any Crane clan winner From: If a Crane should win, I'll personally give the Crane one, count it, ONE, pristine, never-before-played, mint-condition copy of Scorched Earth! It can sit in the Crane hall of fame next to the Occupied Terrain that Joel Mazorra won at Origins! From: "Zen Faulkes" In the interests of randomness, if any Crane in the top four concedes their game to either an "Ikoma Andy" style Lion deck or a Crab deck of ANY sort, I will give that Crane both a Crane sword and a Crab sword.. From: Matt=chan Dragon (Pure): ------------------- [First, the guidelines, from Bujun:] No shadowlands (Kokujin included, if he is in the deck then his power can't be used) No Kolat No honorloss to yourself No Black Scrolls So basically its a non corruption policy. We don't want any of the guys to play these types of decks as they will contribute to the clans demise and have us go the Way of the Phoenix. From: Bujun [Now, the prizes. Leave it to the Dragon Clan to make things complex.] 1 set IE Ancestral Swords, bounty placed for Dragon, non-Shadowlands From: Joe Fulgham | From myself a piece of Original art from the designs I am doing for Clan Wars for AEG. I would normally sell the pieces for 100.00 dollars or more. Honorable Dragon. No shadowlands people. [Presumably, Kokujin excepted -- Sei] From: Bujun For any winning honorable Dragon deck (No Shadowlands Cards except Kokujin--and you can't go "bwah hahahaha, I will steal your soul with Kokujin," either) that also must have a Unique Copy of Our Lady Hitomi in it (Exp., Exp. 2 or Exp. 3) I will award that player with their very own, One of a Kind, HITOMI ACTION FIGURE. (Ok, it's really a painted Star Trek figure of Ilia, the bald Deltan from the horrible first movie--trust me, she looks a lot better as Hitomi) Anyway, I'm still working on the fine details of the tatooes, but right now it looks really great. It will well be worth it to be to see Agasha Gennai take his rightful spot as the Jade Champion. From: I too am offering a bounty for a similar deck type for GenCon. Hitomi must be in there. Kokujin *can* be, but you can't use his abilities. No self-inflicting honor loss cards. It must be an *honorable* and *clean* (except for Kokujin) Dragon or Kyuden Hitomi deck. I will, however, go one better... To the top Dragon finisher I will give an extremely limited edition 3D Dragon Stronghold. This is a SH box, roughly the same size as a SH card. It's framed in wood, covered in clear plastic, with a 3D layered picture of the SH inside. Anyone who was at Origins this year who saw them can verify their coolness. Secondly, if one of these Dragon decks make the finals, the top finisher will *also* receive a "Dragon Head Katana". Yes, a replica of the same sword Connor fought with in the Highlander movie. A 440 stainless steel, edged Katana with ivory hilt shaped like an oriental dragon, and red saya. These swords commonly go for $150 or more in Weapons catalogs. From: "Wildcard" Dragon (Sanzo): --------------- [May the Kami forgive me -- Sei] I am offering a bounty to any Dragon player who puts Sanzo in their deck at Gencon- 1 rare of my choice (though I will consider requests... nothing like "Inheritence" or "Imperial Gift" though). That's right, 1 rare, just for putting a Sanzo in! I am also offering a SUPER SECRET SPECIAL PRIZE to anyone who actually competes with a Sanzo's Army deck (any clan)... email me the deck contents and I will judge if it is worthy. From: Sanzo Lukai -- Lion (Pure): ----------------- To a Lion winner, pure of heart and mind, at the Jade Championship, I pledge the bounty of a katana, the symbol of an _honorable_ samurai. A tetsubo, honored as its bearer may be, is no weapon for a Lion. "Honorable" means no Shadowlands, and no Kolat. "I blow up all your temples" actions are right out. Win it for Matsu Tsuko-sama. -- Kitsu Sei ( Okay, this may not be the wisest decision I've ever made (and I hope I won't regret it later), but I've decided to get into the GenCon bounty sweepstakes too :) I will offer ::choke gasp:: my ::gulp:: Ancestral Sword, Armor, and Standard of Lion clan for any Lion player who won the Jade Championship in GenCon with a honorable Lion deck (ie no Ikoma Ryozo nor any Shadowlands cards). I do not have duplicates of the cards I'm offering, but if it will encourage good competitive honorable Lion decks in GenCon, it'd be all worth it. Since Lion clan now has a much-reduced role within the Imperial Palace, having a Jade Champ may help reverse that position. From: "Steven K." I have a Lion Armor to offer for the same thing [GenCon victory by an honorable Lion deck -- no Shadowlands or Ikoma Ryozo -- Sei] (it ain't much, but what's a freelance writer in North Dakota to offer? Unless y'all want some official Lion-brand lutefisk...). One exception on my part: nothing in your deck can cost you Honor. We're Lions, dammit; we don't need Desperate Measures (not that it's legal, IIRC). The sole exception to my exception: You can lose honor for playing ratling cards. Really. It's the wave of the future. I'm convinced. From: "David R. Henry" Lion (Corrupt): --------------- Follow me, my brothers, for I can reward you where our fallen cousins can not! To every Shadowlands Lion player in GenCon, I offer an Ikoma Ryozo autographed by artist Mike Raabe himself (who's a very cool guy, BTW)! Win or lose, advance or not, simply serve the true Emperor of Rokugan as our ancient oaths demand! Ikoma Andy <*> Monk: ----- I have 2500 Koku for the Gen Con winner, should (s)he be playing with a Brotherhood of Shinsei stronghold, and without the aid of the vile Shadowlands. The Tao of Shinsei does not encourage the sword, but a sword still looks pretty nice on the mantle! I will double this to 5000 Koku should you win the final match with an Enlightenment victory. From: Also, for Gen Con, I offer a bounty to any Monk that wins of the best translation I can find of the Tao Te Ching and I Ching. From: Should anyone win GenCon with the Brotherhood, I will give a signed set of rings, Matt Wilson version, Both experienced and experienced signed Mitsus as well as the promo Sekuia. From: "Togashi Tsuke" My three I Ching coins. Also, if Matthew Colville wins, I'll kick in something extra, like a crabload of koku or something, for sharing... information with me. From: "Paul M. M. Jacobus" Naga: ----- 25 Doom of the Naga (for safekeeping), 1 Hot Rock (to keep you nice and warm in the winter), 1 of each Unique and/or Experienced Naga personalities, and a snakebite at the bar afterwards (age permitting) From: "Nik Olah" Phoenix: -------- One (1) Black and red Kimono (Scorpion colors, I know... my old allegiance) to any Phoenix player who win the Test of the Jade Champion at GenCon. From: "Robert Barr" I am hereby offering an illustrated copy of "The art of war" by Sunzi to any player winning the championship under the Phoenix banner. From: Alexandre METZGER If a Phoenix takes GenCon, I guess I *can* offer to write a story in your honor. From: Keith Bolland Scorpion: --------- I Offer a mask worthy of one of our Clan and One Pendant with our Clan Mon on it. Here are the Restrictions.. Max of 3 Kolat Cards No SL or Hitomi Cards (one in the same as far as *I* care) From: To the highest ranked Scorpion player at GenCon, I shall award the Ancestral Yo-Yo of the Scorpion Clan, a fine glow-in-the-dark yo-yo with a real scorpion trapped within it. It's mighty scary looking, as you might imagine. Also, if a Scorpion were to win the Jade Championship, I will give the winner a signed copy of Way of the Scorpion, along with the yo-yo, of course. From: Bayushi Murai Since the despicable Murai store my idea for the Scary Ancestral Yoyo of the Scorpion, I am forced to up the ante by offering a Big Rubber Scorpion, one of my prize possessions, as well as a desert survival guide. From: "Paul M. M. Jacobus" Shadowlands Horde: ------------------ I hope that I am sending this to the right place. I am offering a bounty for the Junzo or Shadowlands Horde player that wins the storyline tourney at Gen Con. 1) Official Junzo baseball cap (on sale at gen con) 2) 15 Iris Festivals 3) 15 Purity of the Seven Thunders 4) One Yogo Junzo World Tour shirt when they are available (hopefully mid to late August). From: "ERIC DEVLIN" Should a Shadowlands player win GenCon, they will be granted a quick death rather than a long, drawn-out, painful one. :) From: Michael Leyden Toturi's Army: -------------- If a Toturi's Army player should win the Gencon Tournament I will award him/her with Toturi's Fan. A custom made tessen, probably 440 stainless, with the clan mon either engraved or silkscreened on both sides. From: (CORWIN D WILKINS) Unicorn (Pure): -------------------- I offer to any Unicorn player that wins Gencon without using any Shadowlands Personalities a UN+++ to place in their L5R Code, and I will cover the cost of getting the mon of the Family or Clan you desire tattooed. From: Should a Unicorn win the Jade Championship with an honorable deck (no Shadowlands, no ninja, no kolat, light at best on cards that cost you honor), I will write the tale of their victory and post it to l5rstory. From: Scott Johnson Yoritomo's Alliance: -------------------- If a Mantis Player wins the Jade Champion, I'll send you.... a real live praying mantis. If you give the prize to Phoenix, I'll make a "shrine" on my web page to you. (yes, I know it's not as cool as 10k koku, but i don't have anything as cool) Oh yeah, and if you *enter* as Mantis, please send me your deck for the Mantis Archives. Any deck, (except Junzo in a can) with the Mantis Stronghold. Kupo if the winner of the jade champion tourney is a mantis player, i'll offer the following unique, scratch-built 25mm miniatures: yoritomo moshi wakiza kanbe From: Also, if any storyline tourney is won by a YA deck, I will offer to put the winner's pic, etc... on my site, not just for Origins. Has to be a storyline tournament, though. From: (Pat Gamblin) My three I Ching coins. Also, a big book about spies. No reason, of course. From: "Paul M. M. Jacobus"