Here are the current 'bounties' on the Storyline tournament at Origins, this weekend, in the battle for the Scorpion Provinces. Simply put: Any Winner: ----------- 1 piece of art, by Yogo Hyuku, Crab: ----- If a Crab player wins, I'll give him or her a Crab T-shirt (the out-of-print first one, with the Oni on the back), signed copies of the six L5R cards I've designed, and signed copies of issues of InQuest with my L5R articles in them. And any other Crab-related tidbits I can find. I won't be there, so any person involved would need to contact me... but I'm good for it, really! From: "Zen Faulkes" Dragon: ------- Bounty for Dragon Clan win - any form, any deck, if it's Dragon Clan: 1 wooden box (holds 4-8 decks), decorated with major Clan mons, with large Dragon mon on top. Offered by myself. Xxxxxxx Phil - duchon@labri.u-bordeau In fact I will go one step further and offer it to a winner of Origins and Gen Con, as long as they played Honorable Dragon. No shadowlands people. Honorable only. Bujun Lion (Corrupt): --------------- 1 set NM IE Ancestral Swords, bounty placed for Shadowlands Lion, by Ikoma Andy <*> Mantis: ------- if a Yoritomo's Alliance deck wins, I'll put up a page on my site with their deck and any comments they want to have there (and a picture if they can send me a scan of one). I'd offer a more material reward, but I don't have that much. (sorry) From: (Pat Gamblin) Monk (or other Enlightenment): ------------------------------ I will offer a Monk Player a set of carved rings/tokens if he can win the final round with an enlightenment victory... hrmmm, for that matter, I'll offer that to anyone who takes the final round with an enlightenment victory... Chris Bower Scorpion: --------- 10,000 koku bounty placed for Scorpion: by Yasuki Taka, Intern at AEG Hand-sculpted mask for Scorpion: by Bayushi Chimizu Unicorn: -------- I will throw one thousand koku to a Unicorn player if he wins. Otaku Ksandy -- From: It's a little towards the last minute, and I don't know how interested anyone would be, but if an honorable Unicorn deck (no Shadowlands, no ninja, no kolat, few if any honor-loss cards) can claim the Bayushi provinces, I will write up the tale of their victory and post it to l5rstory. Bonus style points for coming up with a good storyline reason and telling it to the FRPG folks on hand at the event, such as 'We are holding the Bayushi lands in trust for the day when their descendants, strengthened by their ordeal as we were, return home. Until that day, we shall guard the peasants of the land and preserve their freedom.' From: Scott Johnson