Cram-O-Matic Recipes
Most Profitable Recipes
(using one Pearl to make TR04 is more profitable than using three
of them to make a Big Pearl)
- 5000 = 2x Chesto + 2x Liechi
- 5000 = (Passho, Pearl) + 3x (D. Candy, Exp. Candy M)
- 3000 = 4x Cheri
- 3000 = (Cheri, G. Twig, Honey, Kelpsy, Leppa, Red Apricorn, Tamato)
+ 3x (D. Candy, Exp. Candy XS/S)
Special Recipes
(complete listings for items with special recipes are not included,
because they're all more expensive)
- Ability Capsule: Rare Candy, (any), Rare Candy, Rare Candy
- Balm Mushroom: Big Mushroom, (any), Big Mushroom, Big Mushroom
- Big Mushroom: Tiny Mushroom, (any), Tiny Mushroom, Tiny Mushroom
- Big Nugget: Nugget, (any), Nugget, Nugget
- Big Pearl: Pearl, (any), Pearl, Pearl
- Comet Shard: Star Piece, (any), Star Piece, Star Piece
- Gold Bottle Cap: Bottle Cap, (any), Bottle Cap, Bottle Cap
- Pearl String: Big Pearl, (any), Big Pearl, Big Pearl
- Star Piece: Stardust, (any), Stardust, Stardust
Standard Recipes
(relatively-common ingredients are sorted to the top and marked with bold, widely-available ingredients are next in italic, and unique and rare ingredients are not used)
- To keep the output manageable, only recipes with at most two
ingredients are included (as 1+3 and 2+2).
- Data was originally scraped from Serebii's Cram-o-matic page, with the "TM00" error corrected.
- There's not much point in trying to make Apriballs; the odds
are worse than a slot machine.